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Welcome to The Motivated M.D. where we seek to provide you with an endless supply of content to help you reach your financial goals. Though we occasionally cater to healthcare professionals, our site is meant to be consumed by anyone eager to take control of their finances. From side hustles to budgeting tips and tricks, you will find it here. Enjoy!

Latest Posts

Why Doctors Struggle with Money

Why Doctors Struggle with Money

This week we ask why doctors struggle with money? This is Chapter 1 of our personal finance book Doctor Money: A Personal Finance Guide for Physicians.

electronic book subscription in an electronic gadget

Doctor Money: A Personal Finance Guide for Physicians

Here you have it, the inaugural post for my new book creation (content series) I am naming Doctor Money: A Personal Finance Guide for Physicians.

photography of book page

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

For the next few months I plan on tackling a content series with many objectives. This is my master plan. Here is how to work smarter, not harder.

red hammock tied between two trees

The Financial Sweet Spot for Doctors

With so much financial advice out there, how does one know if they are in a good place? Here is where the financial sweet spot for doctors lives!

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Are Paid Medical Surveys Worth It in 2024?

Physicians have many options when it comes to side gigs. With this post we ask, are paid medical surveys worth it in 2024?

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Is the FIRE Movement Contributing to Physician Burnout?

FIRE can offer some profound freedom early in their careers, but is the FIRE movement contributing to physician burnout?

bitcoins and u s dollar bills

The Top 5 Ways Doctors Lose Their Money

With high incomes, doctors can recover from poor financial choices. However, using recent Medscape data, we can see the top 5 ways doctors lose their money.

quote box ontop of stack of paper bills

The Myth of the Tax Write-Off

What is the deal with tax write-offs? Here with another guest article, Dr. Neill Slater discusses The Myth of the Tax Write-Off.

man wearing grey shirt standing on elevated surface

Why I Still Work After Achieving Financial Independence

Why would a physician keep working if they are financially independent? A guest author talks ‘Why I Still Work After Achieving Financial Independence.’

modern building against sky

Do Doctors Complain About Money?

The Financial Samurai is scraping by on $500,000 annually. With doctors in the top 5%, do doctors complain about money?

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52 Best Ways to Improve Your Personal Finances

Are you ready to take control of your finances? Here are the 52 best ways to improve your personal finances!

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The Pros and Cons of Academic Medicine

Careers in academia have a lot to offer. Regarding personal finance, there are tradeoffs. Here are the pros and cons of academic medicine.

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Is Being a Doctor Worth It?

Is being a doctor worth it? From compensation to fulfillment, we explore all factors that help answer this question. Enjoy!

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Best Physician Finance Blogs

Here is a list of the best physician finance blogs of 2022. I have included links to the sites as well as top articles. I hope you enjoy!

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Top 5 Financial Mistakes New Attendings Make

Here is my list of the top 5 financial mistakes that I see new attendings make. Avoid these pitfalls and find financial success early!

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What is Financial Independence?

Here at The Motivated M.D. we publish a lot about personal finance and the pursuit of financial independence. What is financial independence exactly? Check out the link below to learn more!

Get Started Here

Don’t know what to read first? Here you will find the post that started it all.  This was the inaugural ‘Welcome’ post for The Motivated M.D.  Hopefully it will give you some insight to my personal motivation, and share some knowledge along the way.  Enjoy!

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Disclaimer: We exist only to provide entertainment and share experiences with the community. Your decisions are yours and yours alone. We are in no way responsible for your actions. Make sure you do your own research and consider utilizing a professional before making any financial decisions or transactions.

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